Musical Improv Games - Hoedown
Good for:
Faster than thought rhyming. Keeping up with the music. Embracing failure. Embracing failure. Embracing failure.
- This is usually sung to a set tune. Backing track here (short intro) or here (long intro)
- This exercise can be done one line at a time between four people, or a whole four-line verse each
- A subject is taken from the audience
- The rhyme structure is usually AABB and players often try to finish with a joke, innuendo or pun
- When everyone is done the whole group can sing the final line together
- Watch the 'Whose Line' crew performing the hoedown here
- When all the words come out in the wrong order, continue to smile, laugh and sing.
- Try planning your entire verse, or just the rhymes at the end of each line
- Set yourself up for a gag at the end
- If all else fails, mime your own demise.