Musical Improv Games - Showstopper
Good for:
High-kicking Broadway madness and commitment
- Two or three players start a very dull scene
- At a signal from someone in the wings, one of the characters breaks into a fully choreographed singing and dancing routine based on the last thing they said - even if it was "Smell my cheese".
- Give it a big finish
- Melt back into the dull scene and await the next outburst
- Not to be confused with "Showstoppers! An Improvised Musical" which is a West End fully improvised musical (starring our very own Heather) as opposed to a silly exercise lasting a minute or two.
- The cue for the next showstopper could just be the music starting to play
- As one of the characters in the scene, make a choice - can you 'hear' the soloist? Can you react to this, or just carry on doing some object work in the background?
- On the last one maybe everyone is sucked in to a big jazz hands finish.