Musical Improv Games - This is how we do it
Good for:
Rhyming, setting up a rhyme, rapping skills, flow.
- Can be played solo or with a partner.
- You will need a load of different objects if playing alone, or if with another player, they will be 'feeding' you words.
- Let's say the first word is 'Chair'
- You start a beat as an accompaniment
- First line is 'This is how we do it...." Then you set yourself up to rhyme with 'chair'
- "This is how we do it, when cutting your hair". Then the second line is the payoff rhyme.
- "You might want to sit down, on a chair".
- In the small gap before the next musical bar either look at a new object if playing solo, or feed the next word verbally 'pen'
- "This is how we do it, again and again"
- "If you want to write it, just use a pen" etc.
- Try to keep the flow going.
- Keep the words coming smoothly if you are feeding them to the player.
- As you get more comfortable rhyming, can you make the whole line make sense too?